Early Morning Two Alarm Fire In Southeast Portland (Photo)

Portland Fire and Rescue
Portland Fire and Rescue

January 07, 2025 07:50


Just before 3 a.m. this morning, crews arrived at a working fire at an abandoned commercial building just east of SE 99th Ave. between SE Stark and SE Washington. Heavy smoke drifted to the west as crews arrived, and the first crews made initial entry on the East side of the building. They reported heavy smoke inside with fire above them and moderate heat conditions. Because this was a large structure and the volume of smoke seen, the command staff called for a second alarm assignment.

With a confirmed fire above interior crews, Command placed crews on the roof to ventilate the structure. Additional crews began to access all sides of the structure to assess the extent of the fire. Interior crews reported that conditions were improving and believed they had knocked down the main body of the fire above them. At the 20-minute mark, the fire was under control, and the crews began to mop up the hot spots. Investigators are on the scene and the cause is under investigation, no reported injuries at this time.
