PPB Serves Search Warrant at Home of Prolific Graffiti Vandal (Photo)

May 14, 2024 13:30


A search warrant was served at the home of a prolific graffiti vandal and evidence was seized.

On the morning of Tuesday, May 14, 2024, officers assigned to Central Precinct’s Neighborhood Response Team (NRT), in coordination with the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Strategic Prosecution and Services Unit, served a search warrant at a home near Northeast 11th Avenue and Northeast Skidmore Street in the Sabin Neighborhood. Gabriel Rodriguez-Lee, who is responsible for the OMEGA tag, lives at the home. During the service of the search warrant, a substantial amount of evidence, including hundreds of iterations of the OMEGA tag, was seized. Eight felony cases of Criminal Mischief in the First Degree, as well as one misdemeanor case of Criminal Mischief in the Second Degree, will be referred to the District Attorney’s office.

The investigation into Rodriguez-Lee goes back months. In October 2023, North Precinct officers arrested him for spray painting a large OMEGA tag in the 1400 block of North Schmeer Road. At the time of his arrest, Rodriguez-Lee had a firearm in his possession. In November 2023, he pleaded guilty to the gun charge and he received one-year probation.

Photo description: Seized during search warrant
Photo description: Seized during search warrant
Photo description: Seized during search warrant
Photo description: Seized during search warrant
Photo description: Seized during search warrant



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