* Type of Appeal
* Project Type
* This appeal involves:
* Proposed Use of Structure:
Building/Business Name:
* Project Address:

* Please provide one of the following choices below:
* Number of Stories
* Occupancy Group:
* Construction Type:
* Fire Sprinklers
* Plans Examiner/Inspector:
* Payment Options: Please refer to the Portland Permitting & Development Fee Payment or Fire Fee Payment instructions.
* Plan Submittal Options:
  • Mail building plan to:
    Bureau of Development Services
    1900 SW 4th Ave.
    Suite 5000/Appeals
    Portland, OR 97201
    Mail fire plan to:
    Portland Fire & Rescue
    Attn: Sr. Admin Specialist (Ph: 503-823-3708)
    55 SW Ash Street
    Portland, OR 97204
  •   [Remove]

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    Note: All plans and documentation submitted must be in PDF format. Please do not submit password-protected PDFs.

I am the property owner, or the property owner's agent. In accordance with City Code Section 24.10.075, I am authorized to submit an appeal for an alternative material, design or method of construction or equipment or a modification to the strict interpretation of the Building Code as adopted by the City of Portland as outlined in the attached information. I hereby acknowledge that the City is not liable for any damages that result from or relate to any formal decision rendered by the City with respect to this appeal.

I acknowledge that all of the information provided will be a public record and will be posted online. If you have questions, please contact the Building Code Appeals team ( AppealsS@PortlandOregon.gov or 503-823-6251) before submitting your appeal.


Please describe the requirements of the code section listed above.

Summarize the intent of the appeal, preferably in one sentence.

Describe the alternate methods and/or materials of construction to be used or that exist. (Be as specific and detailed as possible). If this is a Reconsideration of an appeal, enter the original appeal text, followed by a section titled "Reconsideration Text" along with new language.

Describe why the alternate is required and how it will provide equivalent health, accessibility, structural capacity, energy conservation, life safety or fire protection to what the code requires. If this is a Reconsideration of an appeal, enter the original appeal text, followed by a section titled "Reconsideration Text" along with new language.

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