Portland Fire Responds to Traumatic Injury 

Portland Fire & Rescue (PFR) responded to an injury at the City Fleet Services Maintenance Shop just after noon..."> Portland Fire Responds to Traumatic Injury 

Portland Fire & Rescue (PFR) responded to an injury at the City Fleet Services Maintenance Shop just after noon..." /> Portland Fire Responds to Traumatic Injury 

Portland Fire & Rescue (PFR) responded to an injury at the City Fleet Services Maintenance Shop just after noon... "> Portland Fire Responds to Traumatic Injury (Photo)

Portland Fire Responds to Traumatic Injury (Photo)

August 11, 2023 17:00


Portland Fire Responds to Traumatic Injury 

Portland Fire & Rescue (PFR) responded to an injury at the City Fleet Services Maintenance Shop just after noon today. On the call were two battalion chiefs, a four-person fire engine crew, and a four-person crew from the Technical Rescue Team. Along with the PFR responders, an ambulance crew from the local transporting agency, American Medical Response was also on scene and instrumental with patient care and transport. The responders arrived to find a city employee was critically injured in the course of his duties and was transported to the local level 1 trauma center located just across the street. The status of the victim is currently unknown.

The victim was impaled in the abdomen with a long wrecking bar running that went completely through the body while performing the assigned duties of work, The on-scene crews provided medical interventions that included pain medication and stabilizing the bar to prevent and undesired movement. Transport to the hospital was done by walking the gurney on the roadway protected by emergency vehicles as the bar was too long to allow the gurney to be placed in the back of the transporting ambulance. 

Members of PFR were providing technical assistance in the ER along as inside the operating room while the trauma team medical professionals were addressing the injury. This assistance focused on techniques to allow for medical interventions to occur with the long pole interfering with traditional operating room use. Additionally multiple plans were established to cut the length of the pole if directed by the surgical staff. 

Portland Fire & Rescue reached out to the local Trauma Intervention Program NW (TIPS NW) to provide emotional support for the co-workers who are affected by the incident. Additionally, Portland Fire & Rescue’s Mental Health Coordinator is actively engaged with the crews that responded to address any potential mental traumas associated with this incident that may affect PFR members.

