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Office of Equity and Human Rights

Realizing Equity. Enhancing the City of Portland.

Phone: 503-823-4433

Fax: 503-823-4420

421 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 500, Portland, OR 97204

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Feedback for Equity Training 101

Feedback for Equity Training (Anonymous)

The Office of Equity and Human Rights highly appreciates your participation in the workshop to Cultivate Equity Mindsets. Please give us your feedback on how the workshop went for you. The feedback is anonymous so we will not see your contact information. Thank you for your time!

I have increased awareness of institutional barriers
I have deepened my understanding of why equality doesn't mean equity
I have increased my understanding of how implicit bias influences our perceptions
I have practiced how to ask questions (equity lens) to identify impacts on communities, using scenarios
I am taking away new approaches I will use in my work
The session was well organized and well facilitated
Overall, I think this session was worthwhile!