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Online Complaint Form

File a complaint about a City Bureau online

phone: 503-823-0144


1221 SW 4th Avenue, Room 310, Portland, OR 97204

* Required Field

Ombudsman Complaint Form
File a complaint about a City bureau or agency

Office of the Ombudsman - a division of the Office of the City Auditor

Before you submit your report, you are encouraged to visit the Ombudsman's Office's Frequently Asked Questions.

Note: Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)

Have you filed an appeal or grievance
with the agency?
Have you taken any other action
to resolve the problem?
(Maximum file size: 30MB)

If you would like to request that your name and other identifying personal information be kept confidential, please click the button next to "Yes."

I am submitting this complaint with the understanding that the Ombudsman will keep my identity and other identifying personal information confidential and will only disclose it if ordered to do so by the district attorney or a court of law.

Providing your contact information is optional. However, we strongly encourage you to provide a minimum of one method of contact so that we can follow up with you and gather more information if needed.

Contact preference
Would you like language interpretation services or translation? Our default communication is in English.

We use demographic data to measure how well the City of Portland is serving the community and to help us improve our service accessibility and outreach. Your answers to the following questions will be kept confidential, they are optional, and they can be opted out of at any time. Time to complete: 2-3 minutes.

What is your race/ethnicity?
What is your gender?
Do you identify with having or living with a disability?
What is your age group?
What is your living situation or housing status?
Do you live on a limited fixed income, receive government benefits, or have difficulty covering your monthly expenses?
Have you ever served in the U.S. Armed Forces, military reserves, or National Guard?
What is your sexual orientation?