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Phone: 503-823-7529
1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204
More Contact Info
1120 SW Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 97204
Please complete as much of this form as you can, but do not worry if you cannot answer every question. However, the more information you can provide, the easier it will be for PP&R staff to identify and evaluate sites. Multnomah County tax account numbers are especially helpful. Fields marked with an asterisk* are required.
Include property address if possible. Otherwise, cross streets and addresses of adjacent properties are helpful. Fields marked with an asterisk* are required. Click here to search PortlandMaps for more information on the property you are nominating. Enter the address or intersection. Click on the specific tax lot, then Property Detail just above the upper left hand corner of the map.
Click here to search PortlandMaps for more information on the property you are nominating. Enter the address or intersection. Click on the specific tax lot, then Property Detail just above the upper left hand corner of the map.
It is the policy of Portland Parks & Recreation to acquire property only from willing sellers. Out of respect for the present property owner, please do not contact them about your nomination. However, if you know the name, address or phone number of the current owner, please provide the information in the boxes below:
The Multnomah County Tax Assessor's Office has maps and other relevant information which will help you identify the parcel(s) included in your nomination. Their office is located at 421 SW Sixth Ave in downtown Portland; 503-248-3326.
In describing the property, there are no right or wrong answers. This information just helps determine the most appropriate uses for the property. Fields marked with an asterisk* are required.
If funds are available for the acquisition of this property and its development into a city park, how do you envision this site being used?Check all of the appropriate boxes.
If this site were to become a public park, what issues or concerns would need to be resolved?
Is there already an active "Friends Group" advocating for making this property a park? Is there a potential partner who might be willing to assist with acquisition and/or development of this parcel? If possible, please provide names, addresses, and phone numbers.
If you have digital files of maps, drawings or photos you would like us to see, please attach below. OR, information can be sent to: Portland Parks & Recreation Acquisition Program 1120 SW 5th Ave, Suite 1302 Portland, OR 97204 FAX 503-823-6007
OR, information can be sent to:
Portland Parks & Recreation Acquisition Program 1120 SW 5th Ave, Suite 1302 Portland, OR 97204
FAX 503-823-6007