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Portland Parks & Recreation

Healthy Parks, Healthy Portland

Phone: 503-823-7529

1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204

More Contact Info

Before you begin filling out this form, please do the following:

Applications will be processed in the order they are received. Once received, we will contact you to confirm details and finalize your program. If you have questions please contact us at 503-823-3601 or

* Required Field

Environmental Education Program Application

SECTION 1: Type of Program and Program Content
SECTION 2: Requested Date, Time, and Location for Program

Please select three choices for your preferred program date and time. Click here to check available times and dates.

SECTION 3: Transportation to the program
Please tell us how your participants will be arriving to the program.
SECTION 4: Information about your school, organization, or family (if nature birthday)
e.g. 1120 SW 5TH or 5TH AND MAIN
Are you a Title I or Federally-funded school?
Primary Contact – Who should we contact with questions about your program?
Alternate Contact – Who should we contact if we can’t reach the primary contact?
Who is the best person to call if there are issues or concerns on the day of your program?
SECTION 5: Details about your participants

For all programs, please do your best to give us an accurate number of participants and chaperones who will likely attend. These numbers help us accurately estimate your total cost. Please plan to bring at least 1 chaperone for every 5-6 students.

(Field Trip requests only) Grade Level of Participants
SECTION 6: How did you hear about us?
Please tell us how you heard about us.