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Office of Management & Finance

Revenue Division

Arts Tax: 503-865-4278

Business Taxes: 503-823-5157

111 SW Columbia St, Suite 600, Portland, OR 97201

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Delivery Fee Ordinance Complaints

Complete information, including your contact information, is required in order to investigate your complaint and provide assistance. Please note that the information provided may be shared in order to resolve the complaint. The information may also be subject to public records requests. If you do not want your information shared, please affirmatively check the box below. Please note that if you elect to keep the information confidential, the City will be limited in its ability to resolve your specific issue with the platform, including any requested refund or change in contract terms.

Do you want the City to keep the information in this complaint confidential?
Is the complaint on behalf of a restaurant or a delivery driver?
e.g. 1120 SW 5TH or 5TH AND MAIN
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