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Portland Bureau of Transportation

Phone: 503-823-4000

1120 SW Fifth Ave, Suite 1331, Portland, OR 97204

* Required Field

Bike Corral Application Form

Bike corrals are groups of bike racks installed in the on-street parking area.

The City of Portland will prioritize bike corrals at street block corners. Bike corrals increase customer parking, improve street crossings by reducing pedestrian crossing distances, and increase business visibility.

Installation Fee Requirements:

Installation Fee is $2,600 per FY 2023-2024 • The fee helps off-set the City’s subsidy and fulfill a corral request more quickly. • The fee is required for corrals in areas with metered parking.

Are you paying the $2,600 fee?
Site Information:
Is the on-street bike corral intended to span more than one business? (*If the answer to this question is “yes”, each business must provide approval.)
Are there metered parking spaces at the site?
Is there a moving lane of traffic directly next to the curb at any time of day?
Is there a fire hydrant?
Is there a bus stop in front of the business?
Applicant Information
Business Information
Property Owner Information
Business and Property Owner’s Affirmation

I, the undersigned, do affirm that I am the owner or a duly authorized representative of the corporation owning the above referenced property. I have been made aware of the Applicant’s intent to install a curbside Bike Corral in the curb lane in front of the business listed on this application and have no objections.

Maintenance Agreement

This facility will be built under the auspices of a temporary and revocable permit. Because PBOT will be unable to maintain the facility to city standards, the tenants at the above property or the owner of said property are entering this agreement with PBOT. To facilitate the installation of the facility, it is agreed that:

1. The facility will be swept and otherwise cleared of all debris, fallen leaves and garbage when needed. All trash will be removed from the facility and hauled with the regular trash hauling provided for by the subject property.

2. The facility will receive occasional visual inspections. If debris and trash have collected to a noticeable degree during this inspection, the facility will be swept as described in item 1.

3. Evidence of damage, vandalism, or the presence of abandoned bicycles can be reported to PBOT staff. The 24-Hour Maintenance & Repair hotline is (503) 823-1700 or email

4. If citizen complaints are received by PBOT, the following steps will be taken:
a) A field investigation will be completed by Traffic Investigations
b) If the maintenance level is deemed unacceptable by Traffic Investigations, both the merchant and property owner will be sent
a letter about the situation and given the opportunity to respond in writing.
c) Response to the complaint will result in either: 1) No action; 2) A warning; 3) A change to this agreement if both PBOT and
the agreeing party sign the changes; or 4) Revocation of the permit by the City Traffic Engineer.

5. Future enhancements to this facility will be considered by PBOT. Any proposed enhancement must satisfy the requirements of all public agencies with jurisdiction over the request.
