Relocation Exemption Application (REA) Form to claim Exemption from the obligation to pay city Relocation Assistance as specified in Portland City Code 30.01.085.
Before starting the form, please read the general instructions. Review the exemption description below to confirm it matches your eligibility. To select a different exemption form, follow the link to return to the exemption list.
“Tenants that occupy one Dwelling Unit in a Duplex where the Landlord's Principal Residence is the second Dwelling Unit in the same Duplex.”
The following Administrative Rules and process apply to Exemption 3:
- The Landlord must submit the required REA Form to PHB.
- The Landlord must receive an Acknowledgment Letter issued by PHB. An Acknowledgement Letter does not exempt a Landlord from complying with all relevant notice requirements.
- For Rental Agreements beginning after March 8, 2018, where the Tenant occupies the Accessory Dwelling Unit, the Landlord must provide a copy of all pages of the Acknowledgment Letter to the Tenant prior to the Tenant entering into a Rental Agreement and within 30 days of PHB issuing the Landlord a written renewal of the Acknowledgement Letter.
- In addition to providing the Acknowledgment Letter, as described above, the Landlord must also provide a copy of all pages of the Acknowledgement Letter to the Tenant, including a description of a Tenant's Rights and Obligations, prior to each and any Triggering Event.
- This Exemption is effective so long as an Owner of the Dwelling Unit’s Principal Residence is the second Dwelling Unit in the same Duplex as the exempted Dwelling Unit for the 6 months prior to a Triggering Event.
- Existence of a Duplex must be independently verifiable by means of public record.