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Portland Water Bureau

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Updated webpage: Visit the new Site Advisory Group Meetings webpage here.

The Site Advisory Group will meet monthly from October 2019 to October 2020 to discuss details and opportunities for the Bull Run Filtration Project. The group will help project sta­ff develop a Good Neighbor Agreement as the Bull Run Filtration Project moves forward. The public is welcome to attend these meetings and there will be opportunity for public comment.

The Site Advisory Group members will be discussing roles and expectations at the first meeting:

Site Advisory Meeting - Orientation Part 2 (agenda available after first meeting)
Date: Thursday, October 10, 2019
Time: 6-8 p.m.
Location: Sandy High School Lecture Hall at 37400, Bell Street in Sandy, Oregon  (map)

A light dinner will be provided at this family friendly event so please let us know if you plan to attend.

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Bull Run Treatment Projects Site Advisory Meeting RSVP

Thursday, Oct. 10 Meeting

Please answer the following questions about the Oct. 10 meeting.

Will you attend the Thursday, Oct. 10 meeting?